Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Avoid the Professional Version of the Freshman 15

Avoid the  Professional Version of the Freshman 15 When many of us take our first jobs, they come with a lot of perks weve not yet experienced an expense account,  regular happy hours, etc. I experienced this first handand gained a solid 15 pounds over my first year of employment. For my 51 frame, it was a super shocking, but the scale doesnt lie. Looking back, I bypassed all the signs, one pound at a time. Here are five steps you can take to avoid major weigh gain during your first year on the job: 1. Take Your Lunch This one was hard for me, since my department  went out for lunch consistently. Whether it be with each other, our supervisors, clients or colleagues within the community lunch dates had a spot on our  Outlook calendars daily. It was also challenging because my office was within walking distance of  so many yummy choices upscale Mexican and Chinese, burgers even a steakhouse. If you have a lot of temptations  too, know that you can make a difference in your group. When one person begins to bring their lunch, even if its only twice a week, the effect can rub off on coworkers. Whether you claim it be for health reasons, or to save a few bucks, almost everyone can get behind that. Also, pack something that you look forward to dont make it the same ham and cheese sandwich with a side of cottage cheese youll just be tempted to join your coworkers. Start a Pinterest board with healthy lunch options and plan out your week the Sunday before. 2. Dont Count Calories Ive been a notorious calorie counter since college, which some may say is a good thing. My calorie counting, however, got to a point where it became pointless. I was so worried about eating the right amount of calories, that I was eating the wrong kind of food. When I began letting my calorie counting go by the wayside and focusing on eating real food, natural and clean(er) food, I began seeing the weight that I had gained drop naturally. 3. Choose Booze or Coffee (Plus water, water, water) A daily latte from Starbucks, plus a few martinis at happy hour can really add up (in more ways than one).  Decide beforehand whether your day will be a coffee day or an alcohol day and replace the other drink  with lemon water or green tea. If you screw up one day and have both, skip both the next day! By cutting your liquid calories down to approximately 150 a day, youll save room to fill up on calories that are much more beneficial. 4. Establish a Manageable Exercise Routine I LOVE the idea of being a morning exerciser. And I was one at one time in my life. During my last semester of college I was working full time and had just gotten engaged. Getting in shape was important to me and the only time I could find to do this was every morning at 6:30 a.m. So I would set my alarm for 6 a.m., get to the gym for an hour or hour or so, run home to shower and get in  to work around 9 a.m. When I began working at my corporate job, rolling in around 9 a.m. was not encouraged, so I tried to set my alarm for 5 a.m. and waking up was just not happening. Now that I work from home, I feel the same way. Im just not going to force myself out of the house without the deadline of a meeting or someone waiting for me, so Ive set a new rule for myself: By lunch time, my work out has to be complete. I know I dont do well with the post-work crowd either, so I had to find something that  was manageable for me. And for those jam-packed days that I DO have to leave the house before the sun comes up? I get an accountability buddy. 5. Envision Your Desired Lifestyle You know that girl  you see in your head (or more realistic, on Pinterest) that you know you want to be? Write down what is it that makes her so attractive to you and go be her. Is it the girl who cooks healthy meals? The one who goes to spin class every Tuesday and Thursday? The one that spends her weekend hiking? Get out there and make it happen. Life is too short not to be proud of the person you push yourself to be. Most importantly, listen to your body and be mindful of your habits. Extra pounds creep on quickly, but melt off slowly and we know you, Ms. Career Girl, want to be your fit, best self while tackling the problems of the world!

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